Thursday, October 12, 2023


Let them argue
let them fight
let them think
they are right
let them gossip
let them rage
let them build
themselves a cage
let them judge
let them talk
let them walk
the way they walk
let them laugh
behind your back
they cannot push you
from your track
let them steal
each other’s joy
let them silence
virtue’s voice
let them wrestle
for the throne
let them pick flesh
from their bones
but of all
you let them do
do not let them
alter you
keep your focus
on the sky
and all the beauty
you pass by
stay within
your well-built walls
and answer only
worthy calls
let them lie
if they must
it’s yourself
you need to trust.
Macik jumpa poem ni dari page Donna Ashworth. From my new Sunday Times Bestseller ‘Wild Hope’.

Kebetulan pula masa ni macik agak 'hangin' di pejabat bila ada senior tuduh macik passing call ke ext dia. Hello! ini ex-customer service la. tak akan buat mcm tu kat org. bertahun macik di didik dan diterap dgn sikap jawab segala soalan customer dgn berhemah dan selesaikan masalah customer. tak akan simply transfer call kepada org lain wpun soalan-soalan customer tu tak related pun dgn area dia.

salah org lah dia nak main tuduh tu gitu. hangin tul. huh!

Hutang lapuk

 list hutang-hutang post hiking kakyang makin bertambah. mcm mn bertambahnya hutang bank, mcm tu lah bertambah juga hutang posting. aduhaiii.. mood mengarah kelaut betul. bila dah lama, dah kurang ingat kejadian2 istimewa dlm trip. nak menulis pun dah tak feel. nak tulis cepat, dah tak sempat dan mood tak mari pula. adehhhhh..

Trip GBB

Trip latimojong

Trip MLM - draft tp belum siap. haha

trip Gunung Benum - belum update

trip Gunung Liang E/W - belum update

trip Gunung Sinsing-Kaingaran-minodtuhan - pun belum update

tambah trip baru pula Gunung Chabang. huhuhu

apa ni macik....